ANDI Certified Gas Blenders are certified to operate and maintain breathing gas
production equipment for mixed gas breathing Applications Including EAN, Heliox
and Trimix. ANDI Gas Blenders must also monitor all stages of gas blending within
the prescribed gas analysis procedures. ANDI Gas Blenders must ensure that all
necessary equipment plant and machinery are Oxygen compatible and all ANDI gas
quality standards are maintained. Certified Gas Blenders are authorized by ANDI
to produce breathing gas mixtures by means of approved procedures.

This training program is designed to transfer the necessary information required to
properly produce mixtures for breathing purposes. The courses is usually conducted
in two parts. Theory and practical experience demonstrations. Additionally, much of
the material on Oxygen properties, handling, hazards & procedures is covered in the
ANDI SafeAir Service Technician course.


ANDI Certified Service Technicians are authorised to service and maintain breathing gas delivery
systems. The responsibility for all oxygen cleaning and maintenance of cylinders, valves, regulators,
high pressure components, high pressure hoses, fittings and gas production equipment at the ANDI
facility come under the domain of the ANDI Certified Service Technicians.

This training program is designed to transfer the necessary information required to properly service
and maintain equipment used for breathing purposes and gas production. The courses is usually
conducted in two parts. Theory and practical experience demonstrations.