ANDI Level 2 Self Sufficient diver-

The ANDI Self Sufficient Diver is qualified to dive without utilizing the “buddy system”.  The ANDI Self Sufficient Diver is qualified to plan and execute dives independently with an emphasis on self-reliance and self-rescue. The Self Sufficient Diver course that is designed for “recreational sport diving”. Advanced dive planning, emergency \ self-rescue protocol, equipment handling, and stress management skills, are covered in detail.

The absolute maximum allowable depth for the ANDI Solo Diver is 30 msw (100fsw). The absolute maximum exposure to Oxygen, approved for normal dive (no modifiers) profiles is 1.45 BAR PO2.. The maximum exposure to Nitrogen is 3.2 BAR PN2  (3.2 ata).


ANDI Level 3 SoloDiver –

The ANDI Solo Diver is qualified to dive without utilizing the “buddy system”. The Solo Diver is
qualified to plan and execute dives independently with an emphasis on self-reliance and self-rescue.
This is a Level 3 program within the ANDI system and is therefore beyond the limits of
“recreational sport diving”.
Advanced dive planning, decompression diving, emergency \ self-rescue protocol, equipment
handling, and stress management skills, are covered in detail.

The absolute maximum allowable depth for the ANDI Solo Diver is 50 msw (165 fsw). The absolute
maximum exposure to Oxygen, approved for normal dive (no modifiers) profiles is 1.45 BAR PO2
with 1.6 being the maximum for at-rest decompression mixes. The maximum exposure to Nitrogen
is 4.5 BAR PN2 ( 4.5 ata ). Decompression profiles are limited to 30 minutes run time and a
maximum ceiling of 9 msw \ 30 fsw. Decompression obligations beyond these limits or penetration
diving with hard overhead are outside of the scope of this training.