Sidemount diving has really become popular over the last few years. ANDI has two levels of Sidemount courses to offer.

ANDI Level 2 Sidemount Diver course

The ANDI Sidemount Diver course is a 2 day course. The student will learn about how to set up, position your tanks and equipment. The Instructor will go through the positive and negative points on equipment configuration. Once the student has completed the level 2 sidemount course they are able to use this sidemount configuration during there next levels of advanced training.


ANDI Level 3 Advanced Sidemount

The Advanced Sidemount coures is a 3 day course including 6 dives. The prerequisites for this course the student need to be Advanced Technical wreck or full cave qualified. This course has high emphasis on mulitple tank staging and also how to safely penetration small hole restrictions.